EUROLINK Insurance Inc. Skopje is an insurance company incorporated in 2002 as a direct foreign investment, with a high share capital to the amount of € 3,200,000.
Mr. Trifun Kostovski, led by the will to contribute to the economic development of Republic of Macedonia, through his investment fund GOFI – Group of Finance & Investment SA, from Switzerland has founded Eurolink Insurance, together with another three foreign companies from Italy and Switzerland. Since 2009, buying out shares from the other shareholders in the company, GOFI – Group of Finance & Investment SA, becomes a sole shareholder.
Today, Eurolink Insurance is a non life insurance company, an absolute leader in the overall insurance market in R. Macedonia.
Our strategy is oriented towards continuous and long-term growth, simultaneously structuring a different insurance to fully satisfy our clients’ needs, designing improved offers of the existing and new insurance products.
Eurolink sustainable development is based on the social responsibility.
Eurolink Insurance is a social responsible business entity, which is in continuous interaction with the environment and is investing into the society, which it exists and operates in. The social responsibility program is constantly being implemented. Valid and unique segment of Eurolink insurance is the interaction it has with society in which it exists and operates. Being community responsible subject we have created the platform “Eurolink – your connection with the real values”, under the umbrella of Olga Kostovska, President of the Supervisory Board. The platform is interesting various activities pastiche, covering segments of education, art and culture in RM.
The goal is better community, happy people, creativity development, engagement in the real sense of the word and active approach towards creating a better future. By implementing these activities Eurolink insurance strives to influence the preservation of these values in the long run, ones which a civilized community could not exist without – the love and respect of the past, caring for the future and building secure future.